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Art by Christina Fajardo

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"La Luna Chick" Series
by Christina Fajardo


The name "Luna Chick" is inspired by Puerto de Luna. Christina's mixed media "Luna Chick" series is dedicated to the memory of her mother, Agueda Padilla Fajardo and her grandmother, Rosita Valdez Padilla. 

Christina began a spiritual journey in January of 2011 and out of this intense journey, her "Luna Chick" series was born. Drawn to angels and her Hispanic culture, she has found that her "Luna Chicks" speak to that spiritual part in many people. 


Her grandparent’s chile farm Puerto de Luna, near the muddy waters of the Pecos River served as a great inspiration for her art due to the rich family history and childhood memories of green chile fields in the summer and red chile ristras decorating every adobe home in the fall. The mixed media of my "Luna Chicks" signify the beauty and strength of diverse experiences and culture brought together to create life and art. 

"Guitar" Series
by Christina Fajardo


Christina started painting her guitar series in the fall of 2007. Commissioned by a friend to paint a red guitar, Christina found herself listening to the music of D'jango Reinhardt for days and feeling very connected to the sounds of the Gypsy Jazz music of the 40's. 

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